Want free e-books, resources and more?

I recently created a community for up-and-coming artists and art-lovers! I want us all to improve at our crafts and passions collectively — whether its painting, fitness, drawing, graphic design, or making music. Let's take away the mystique surrounding how to produce great art so anyone can learn and elevate their own skills to become modern-Renaissance men & women!

What you get in return:

  1. A community where we can review our work, share our wins & losses, and improve as artists.

  2. All the resources I find and use myself, shared with you. You'll have nothing held back from me.

  3. Step-by step lessons & courses from me on everything from painting portraits to designing clothes, and getting in shape.

  4. Virtual Art Nights so we can all collaborate on pieces that push our comfort and workshop the process

  5. My favourite — Community Murals. I'll tell you more about that one inside!